Detailed monitoring on Teams and Skype for Business Conferences
Teams & Skype for Business Conferences Monitor
MAF ICIMS™ is a monitoring and reporting tool which delivers a 360-degree view of Unified Communications usage and associated costs. Trends in the usage of voice, video, IM, conferences, file transfers and application sharing can be tracked to highlight user acceptance, performance metrics and cost savings which enables more effective use of resources. The tool is easy to use, displaying information in a simple to view format suitable for use by any employee within an organization, removing the need for any time-consuming manual processes.
Accessing the Conferences Monitor
To access the monitor, simply choose Conferences from the left side panel.
Conferences Monitor
The conferences section displays a list with all the conferences, in a detailed format for the last 7 days, by default.
Expanding each conference with show the participants along with join time, duration, service type used and quality of the call.
Filters can be applied by time and the table can be sorted by Time, Organizer, Participants or Duration.
Clicking on the date and time of the conference will redirect into the conference details page where details about the organizer, an overview of the conference and a graph with the conference flow are presented.
Clicking on the date and time of a conference leg will redirect into the call details page where all the information regarding caller and callee are displayed.
Questions about MAF InfoCom ICIMS™ CC Conference Reporting for Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business?
Call us at +3172-8200205 or mail at